Wednesday, September 10, 2008

China SNS site shielding Baidu

In recent days, following the Taobao claimed that after completely shielding Baidu, Sohu blog, 51. Com recognition of shielding Baidu, the school network, Hainei net SNS site also said that the shield Baidu.

An SNS site (Social Networking Services, that is, social networking services) said that the current active SNS sites are in shielding, or is about to shield search engines crawl. Because the SNS is based on the real-name system, if the user information in the search engine caught, the user is a serious infringement of privacy.

The SNS site management staff said that although some records privacy site also set up a "warning search engines can not enter the" password, but some search engine companies and will not abide by these standards, so they had to shield those search engines.

In foreign countries, Personals site Facebook opened up a "refusal to search engine" of the successful models. Facebook Home is almost a blank page, all content need to sign visit, it almost can not be search engine "reptile" crawling, can not rely on search engine traffic, but facebook has made a Dazhan. The Facebook created by this model, the model is also myspace, or "social network."

Some SNS site management staff said that they established a shield bad search Union. Unexpectedly, they found that the alliance reached a certain scale, in-house set up a "social structure", this structure will fundamentally challenge, or even replace the existing search engine.