Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Google launched the Chinese version of Google free Genuine Software

August 18 news, Google announced today the release of the Chinese version of "Google software selection," Google by a large number of tests ultimately selected a group of users in China used the software, available to domestic users.

"Google software Featured" launched products, including Google Pinyin input method, Google Kingsoft, Rising antivirus software, etc., will be provided free of charge to all users. Apart from free, genuine security is selected, "Google software Featured" the important conditions, all of the software have been selected Google genuine test.

Google said, "Google software selection" is not a simple software stack, the software automatically updates will help you avoid the maintenance of software Caolao. "Google software selection," the release of our work is only a beginning, for various reasons, they can not cover all commonly used software, but will continue according to the Chinese users of the software needs and continue to improve and update the selection set.